

Gain insight into your organization’s gender-related strengths, growth areas, and pain points. My assessment process often includes focus groups, Employee Resource Group (ERG) listening sessions, individual interviews, tailored climate surveys, and/or document review. Summary reports and initial action plans are customized to fit your audience, context, and goals.

Assessment might be a good fit if you are:

  • Ready to make progress in a specific area, like a possible wage gap or not enough women in leadership.

  • Looking to integrate gender justice into your racial justice work.

  • Just getting started in the areas of gender justice and intersectionality.

  • Undergoing new growth or navigating a leadership transition.

  • Working through a painful organizational incident or revelation related to gender.

  • Navigating shifts in local, state, or federal policy regarding gender and the workplace.


Build collective understanding of — and enthusiasm for — intersectionality and gender justice within your organization. My workshops, trainings, and keynotes can be stand-alone sessions or stacked together in a series. Sessions are tailored to fit your audience, context, and goals.

Learning might be a good fit if you:

  • Want to integrate intersectionality and gender justice into your existing racial justice work.

  • Seek to catalyze some big-picture changes regarding gender within your organization.

  • Have a wide range of beliefs in your workplace and want to develop a common language and shared understanding.

  • Feel mostly on the same page with your colleagues, but want to ensure alignment before pursuing deeper work.

  • Are just getting started in the areas of gender justice and intersectionality.


Suggested Learning Areas:

  • Gender and LGBTQIA+ Justice Key Concepts

  • Intersectionality Key Concepts

  • Gender Justice Landscape in Oregon

  • Best-in-Class Intersectional Feminist Workplace Practices

  • Gender Justice in Male-Dominated Organizations and Fields

  • Intersectional Allyship in the Workplace for Cis Men

  • Wage Gaps Within Organizations:
    Why They Happen and How to Eliminate Them

  • Gender-Based Harassment in the Workplace:
    Why It Happens and How to Stop It


Grow your analysis about intersectionality and gender justice with individual or small group sessions. My coaching practice is designed for open-hearted decision-makers who are early-to-intermediate in their workplace justice journey — particularly those who are White and/or cis-men. 

Coaching might be a good fit for you — or a fellow decision-maker — if you are:

  • Nervous that your language or approach when it comes to gender in the workplace is incomplete or out-of-date.

  • Unsure about how to advance gender justice on a day-to-day basis within your organization.

  • Anxious about asking authentic questions for fear of doing harm, embarrassing yourself, or burdening people.

  • Working through the aftermath of having made mistakes, done harm, and/or received negative feedback.

  • Curious about how intersectionality and gender justice fit together with racial justice work.

Questions about getting started? Get in touch.